About Tax Justice Network Africa


The Anti-IFFs Policy Tracker is a crucial project by the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), a regional network of civil society organizations committed to promoting socially just, accountable, and progressive taxation systems across the African continent. TJNA's diverse membership includes think tanks, trade unions, feminist groups, youth-led and faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations, all united in their pursuit of a more equitable Africa.



At the heart of TJNA's work is the mission to mobilize African citizens and challenge public institutions to influence and change policy, enabling tax justice to prevail in Africa. TJNA believes that an effective and fair tax system is essential for sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and social justice.



TJNA's vision is a just, prospering, self-reliant, and integrated Africa, sustainably harnessing its resources to enable its people to lead a dignified life. The network recognizes that achieving this vision requires a collective effort, and it is dedicated to fostering collaboration and empowering its members to drive meaningful change.

Discover more about Tax Justice Network Africa's mission, projects, and resources by visiting our website at

