About the Anti-IFFs Policy Tracker

The Anti-IFF Policy Tracking Tool is a comprehensive platform designed to monitor, assess, and strengthen tax-based anti-IFF policies across African countries. This valuable resource, developed by the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), offers up-to-date information, best practices, and actionable insights to civil society, policy makers, and tax units, driving meaningful change in the fight against illicit financial flows.

Monitoring & Performance Assessment

Monitoring & Performance Assessment

he Anti-IFF Policy Tracker offers an objective and standardized monitoring and performance assessment of a country's tax-based anti-IFF policies against a set of recommended indicators or good international practices laid out in high-level reports.

Mapping Policies & Identifying Gaps

Mapping Policies & Identifying Gaps

The Policy Tracker maps existing tax-based anti-IFF policies in Africa and identifies clear policy gaps in strategic efforts to curb IFFs at the country and regional levels. It compares what exists against a set of recommendations or good international practices (maturity level).

Good Practices & Success Stories

Good Practices & Success Stories

The Policy Tracker offers good practices and country success stories of what has been done to curb IFFs, showcasing the best performers in each thematic area while also highlighting countries that are still struggling.

Data-Driven Approach

Data-Driven Approach

The Policy Tracker takes into account evidence-based tax policy, administration, institution, and regulation that contribute to stemming IFFs from a country. It collates data that contributes to monitoring the implementation of adopted policies to curb tax-based IFFs out of the African continent.

 Year-on-Year Progress

Year-on-Year Progress

The Policy Tracker indicates the current status of implementation of a policy and remaining gaps to be closed in a given country. It also shows the degree of policy implementation year on year, allowing for a comparison over time and across countries.

Reform Insights & Advocacy

Reform Insights & Advocacy

The analysis of the Policy Tracker can be used to snapshot a country's efforts, successes, and capacity challenges in implementing adopted recommendations to stem IFFs. It also enables consensus among stakeholders, assists in setting reform priorities, and monitors a country's progress in the continuing reform agenda.

The Anti-IFF Policy Tracking Tool is designed for various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, policy makers, tax administrations, and researchers.

Civil Society

Civil society can leverage the data to monitor government progress in implementing anti-IFF policies, identify areas for improvement, and advocate for more robust, just, and transparent taxation systems. The Tracker can be used to support evidence-based campaigns, engage in policy dialogues, and raise public awareness about the impact of IFFs on sustainable development.

Development Partners

Development partners can collaborate with governments and other stakeholders to support capacity building, resource mobilization, and technical assistance in the fight against IFFs. They can utilize the Tracker to identify areas where their support can have the greatest impact, monitor the progress of their interventions, and ensure that their investments are contributing to sustainable, inclusive, and equitable development in Africa.

Policy Makers

Policy makers can use the insights to inform policy formulation and evaluation, making informed decisions to tackle tax-based IFFs more effectively. The Tracker can be employed to benchmark a country's performance against regional and international standards, identify best practices, and learn from the experiences of other nations.

Researchers and Academics

Researchers and academics can utilize the data to conduct in-depth research on the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to IFFs in Africa. They can access a wealth of information to guide evidence-based research and analysis in the realms of taxation, financial transparency, and illicit financial flows, contributing to the global body of knowledge on these critical issues.

Tax Administrations

Tax administrations can assess the effectiveness of existing policies, identify gaps, and implement targeted reforms using the Tracker. They can gain access to a wealth of resources, including case studies, technical guides, and expert analysis, to enhance their institution's capacity to combat IFFs and promote domestic resource mobilization

International Organizations

International organizations can leverage the Tracker to inform regional-level initiatives, policies, and programs aimed at curbing IFFs and promoting sustainable development. They can use the data to monitor the progress of member states in implementing anti-IFF policies, identify areas for technical assistance and capacity building, and facilitate peer learning and knowledge exchange.
